it is born to Rome in 1973 to 16 years, in 1989, it is approached music and it begins to study the drum and the 4 following years sound in the groups punk, Hard-Core R.d.R and Corteccia Armata dedicating meantime to the airbrush art decorating for job and hobby pub, car,bike and all that is Kustom. in 1992 know the theater director and expert of culture African Anna Fresu and for its shows she begins to manipulate sounds and to play traditional percussions center Africans (mbira, timbila…) parallel test love of the lighting system for the show (theatre, concerts, performance, video productions, tv) trade that ago still. in the 1994 France moves itself for a period to Lyon and collaborates for a series of concerts and the recording of live (like mc) with band hip-hop P.A.M and Dj Cherif .returned in Italy,in 1996,with to Simone Carraresi( Dosezero) deep the Zimbu in which sound the drum (band bassguitar/guitar/drum with techno-rock-gothic-psichedelic infuences) in the 98 as a result of the dead women of Simone (dosezero) bassguitar of the band to brother friend stops to play the drum definitively. alll fine of years 90 it begins to attend the techno-rave-illegal scene and them new stimuli will arrive, know the group of dj, musicians, of 00nowhere and thanks to the infuences of the friend and brother dj Plt (Paolo Matrigardi) begin the approach (begun for other channels during the school but realized with this encounter) with synthetic music. "literary" parenthesis in 2002 has one when it publishes a short story and of poetries to photo comment, on then published Kerosene from MareNero. in 2006 it puts entirety like aliencrime the Ep (demo) Test#03 tot DIY, tot NOcopyright,tot NoFAscism.

giovedì 18 febbraio 2010

lunedì 22 dicembre 2008

25 dicembre 2008 NATALE CON I TUOI!!!!

ALIENCRIME and JESTERPHUNK live in the best squatt of Rome!!!!